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Inflation Watch:

“David 5.7” wrote: “I live here in the north east. all brands of toilet paper have gone from 4.5 inches in width to 4 inches, with a slight increase in price. so if you buy and 8 pack roll your are actually getting one roll less per pack than you would have 10 months ago.”

Attributed to inflation: China Current Account Surplus Declined 8% [1]. (Stocks in China region dropped after Shanghai city inflation increased to 3.9% and China’s current account surplus declined 8%.)

South African Linked Bonds Get Bids for 7 Times Amount Offered [2]. (Thanks to Damon for the link.)

Read Kristi J. mentioned: “I was looking through the grocery ads and noticed that Wal-Mart had their store brand bread ‘on sale’ for $1.00. The last time I went shopping just two weeks previous to that it was regularly priced at $0.88.”