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Inflation Watch:

Reader B.L.W. notes that the price of a box of girl scout cookies will be $4 per box this year. Gee, 12 Tagalong or Samoa cookies for $4. That is 33 cents per cookie! BLW also mentioned that Troops are required to sell cookies, or else they can’t hold any other fund raising events this year.

As previously mentioned in SurvivalBlog: Wal-Mart Quietly Raises Prices [1]. (A whopping 5.8%)

Speaking of Wal-Mart, Kelly in Kansas mentioned: Okay, so I know Wal-Mart can be tricky, but I bought a 25 lb bag of Great Value Sugar (I am canning like a crazed person) for $11.78 on August 5. Last night my hubby went back to that same Wal-Mart to buy me another bag of sugar and came home and asked “Is sugar always this much?” I said it should have been around $11-to-$13 dollars. Nope he pulled out the receipt and the sack was 18.98!

Damon sent this: Coffee surges to 12 year high inflation watch. [2]