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Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS sent this: ‘Seed ambassadors’ spread the word about saving [1]

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Linda Y. was the first of several readers that sent us this news wire article: Scientists find new superbug spreading from India [2]. Linda’s comment: ” While most readers probably looked over this story with an ‘another-cry-wolf’ view, it definitely caught my attention. This is very worrisome. I have seen first hand how the US-300 strain of MRSA [3] can ravage a body in no time. My son came home ill from college and doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him and kept sending us home. By the time they figured out that it was MRSA, he was near death in less than a week. Antibiotics were not working. The MRSA caused kidney infarcts, destroyed part of his aorta, aortic valve, mitral valve and created a hole in his heart, and finally had to have a bypass around the endotoxins to get his heart to properly beat again. He miraculously survived but only because we had one of the best team of doctors on his case from Loyola University Medical Center and thousands of people around the world were praying for him. One doctor called the bacteria an ‘Entity.’ That is the best lexicon for these antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This should be terrifying news to all. Let’s hope they get this new ‘Entity’ under control with a new antibiotic quickly.”

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Scott B. sent this preview of the coming urban riots as the nascent Depression progresses: Housing crisis reaches full boil in East Point {Atlanta]; 62 injured [4]