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Two Letters Re: A Doctor’s Thoughts on Antibiotics, Expiration Dates, and TEOTWAWKI

Regarding the recent post on antibiotics [1], I would love to hear the good doctor or someone else with relevant knowledge describe how to determine dosage (I’m assuming based on weight), as well as any risks associated with over- or under-dosage. Thanks! – E.W.

I’m a relatively new reader of your excellent site and have learned an incredible amount of valuable information from you and my fellow readers. Thank you for such a wonderful service.
I read Dr. Bone’s submission with great interest since the medical issues of a SHTF scenario are a great concern of mine. I’m knowledgeable in First Aid, and small trauma treatment, but major injury and illnesses are far beyond most untrained personnel such as myself.
Dr. Bone’s listing of available antibiotics answered one big question, and the shelf life hint answered another, however I have one more that wasn’t answered.
Could you, Dr. Bones, or even some other reader, tell me what is the usual length of an antibiotic regimen for an infection? Also, is there any difference in regimens for ‘flu-like’ infections and septic wounds?
The issue for me is the quantity needed to have a reasonable supply on hand when necessary. I’m in good health but always manage to catch ‘cold’ once a year and the ‘flu’ every third or so. I’m also wise enough to realize that since I’m such a city boy that I will probably get quite a few minor wounds,(many accidental and self inflicted most likely). I would hate to have a few thousand tablets stored and discover that it was sufficient for a few wound treatments and a handful of illnesses, especially in regard to contagion rate among family members. Thanks again for all you do, everyone of you, in helping us get ready. – WJN

JWR Replies: Antibiotic dosing, typical uses, and courses of treatment were covered thoroughly in the article Antibiotic Use in TEOTWAWKI, by Georgia Doc [2] that was posted in December of 2009.