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Letter Re: The Versatile Sling Bow

Dear Mr. Rawles,
I would first like to thank you for all the work you do, your ever informative blog, and for opening up my blind eyes to the world or prepping. I’ve made leaps and bounds in the last 2 years, however my preparations are not the topic of this letter. I recently found a youtube channel online called WildernesOutfitters [1] by Mr. Dave Canterbury, who some of you may be familiar with from the Discovery Channel show “Dual Survival”. Mr. Canterbury is located in my back yard of south eastern Ohio and i would recommend everyone to search out his youtube channel. It is filled with a wealth of “how to” videos for survival situations or being out in the bush. One video that caught my eye was his “Sling Bow”. It is a very simple design that takes an ordinary sling shot and turns it into a powerful hunting alternative.

It all begins with acquiring any “wrist rocket” style sling shot which can be purchased at a Wal-Mart or any hunting/sports store for normally around $10. You will also need to have on hand 2 zip-ties, a replacement whisker biscuit insert for a compound bow, and a replacement band for the slingshot (a heavier duty band that is normally black). You begin by placing the whisker biscuit in the center of the forks of the slingshot at the base of the handle and zip-tieing them on. Make sure the type of whisker biscuit you get a hold of has two holes on a base at the bottom of it so you can easily zip-tie it on. From here all you need to do is replace the stock rubber band that comes on it with the stronger one, but before you swap bands cut approximately 2 inches off of each end to provide an even stronger pull on the ling shot.

T he last modification you will need to do is with your arrows. Take any inexpensive carbon fiber arrow (normally no more than $6-7 each) and pull the tapered notch out from the rear of the arrow where you would slip it on to your bow string. Now take any ordinary golf tee and and glue it into the arrow with a strong epoxy (like gorilla glue) to allow you to grip the arrow while pulling it back to shoot. And that’s it! It sounds too simple and ridiculous to actually work, but I assure you that it has enough power to take down big game with and is extremely accurate with practice and within a certain range. Case in point, Mr. Canterbury took his Sling Bow on a big game hunt and took down a ram with it. So if it can take down a ram then it can take down a deer, or dispatch a two legged critter if need be! If any of your readers are interested in making their own sling bow, I would suggest checking out the video before doing so. I tried my best to clearly explain the process, but to see it makes it so much easier. Also, I almost forgot, due to the whisker biscuit being zip-tied on you can push it down and out of the way so you can still utilize the sling shot to shoot traditional ammunition like your ball bearings or anything you have at hand. Again, I strongly urge anyone to check out the WildernesOutfitters YouTube channe [1]l for all other “how to” videos…such as making your own arrows and broadhead tips….and making them cheaply too! I would also like to state that I am in no way affiliated with Mr. Canterbury or his survival school and am not trying to endorse him and his endeavors. Thanks and God bless you and all my fellow SurvivalBlog readers! – Tank in Ohio (A Prepper Apprentice)