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Letter Re: Sustainable Chicken Farming

Mr. Rawles, I’ve had chickens for about three years now, but in doing some research before I got mine I stumbled on the best source for chicken info: BackyardChickens.com [1].

Now, I hear things all the time about chickens that people will discuss with me that I already knew because I read an in-depth discussion on the subject already on the forum. Also the moderation is very good so the site is kept very family friendly. For instance did you know Apple Cider Vinegar is good for their health? If so did you know you shouldn’t provide it in galvanized containers? Plus if you have a question you can ask on the forum and usually get a super fast answer (due to the high membership at any given time there are hundreds of members online, although the forum is the most active in the spring as it’s rearing season).

Though I did learn from Sheila, I didn’t know that about the Roosters, but I don’t have any rooster as mine are not in compliance with local ordinance I maintain a stealth flock. Addressing one of her concerns; you can buy/sell/trade on the site, vastly improving access to heritage breeds with broodiness and the like still in their bloodline. Plus you can get birds outside of the short window the stores keeps chicks in stock. – M.E.