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Odds ‘n Sods:

Here is a link to the Milo Nordyke interview on CNN [1] that I previously mentioned. Nordyke is a proponent of peaceful uses of nuclear bombs–including the possibility of using nukes to seal off deep sea oil leaks.

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J.M. in Michigan sent me a link to some videos about “off grid” projects. Go to Vimeo.com [2] and in their search box enter: emas. This takes you to about 10 pages of videos on topics like High Pressure Hand Pumps, Rain Water Harvesting, Water Storage Cisterns, Ferro Cement Tanks for Water Storage, Using the Sun to Heat Homes, Latrines, and many more.

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Brian B. sent this alert: NRA cuts deals to limit free speech [3].

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I was doing some web wandering, and I found an interesting USGS map of major earthquakes in North America recorded from 1979 to 1996 [4]. The USGS also has a variety of similar seismic maps [5].

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Calvin in Kansas mentioned a YouTube video of a former Marine singing an oft-ignored verse of our national anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner [6]. The later verses aren’t considered politically correct. The anthem’s lyrics were derived from the the poem “Defence of Fort McHenry”, written by Francis Scott Key, in 1814. The full lyrics [7], by the way, are worthy of some study and pondering.)