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Letter Re: Self-Storage Spaces as Caches

Hello Mr Rawles,
I have been reading your blog for about a year and truly have benefited from the valuable information.

In regards to the round or disc lock for the self storage units, I have found that these locks can be easily picked by a simple pen as demonstrated on YouTube [1]. Here is the following link:

If anyone knows of another device/lock that can not be easily picked I sure would appreciated it.

Sincerely, – Lynn in Washington

JWR Replies: Even the best padlock should be considered only a delay–not a true barrier. Most padlocks –including disc or “hockey puck” locks can have their cylinders (typically brass) drilled out, very quickly. Concealment should be your first line of defense for your cached supplies. (As previously described in SurvivalBlog–such a wall cache or a hidden room.) Only use a commercial storage space when you don’t have other secure alternatives. And of course keep in mind that high temperatures greatly decrease the shelf lives of stored foods.