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Letter Re: An Australian Comments on the U.S. Constitution

As a foreign reader of this blog (Australian) I keep a very close eye on the U.S. politics. I find myself envious of a country that has a Bill Of Rights such as yours. I carry great admiration for those that defend it, but at the same time it depresses me that so many Americans take it for granted.

In Australia, Federal authority is so pervasive that the only thing the our states provide is an excuse to employ another tier of overpaid under-worked public servants.
Yet regardless of how tight a government’s stranglehold on their populace may be (here and abroad), no government lasts forever.

If you survive the crash, and if community is restored then you might just find yourself in a position of leadership. For this reason, regardless of the fact that you may not live in the U.S. of A., there is every reason to make a hard copy of the U.S. Constitution and take the time to understand its value (at least in ernest). Particularly the Bill Of Rights!

History has spawned a thousand tyrants but it only took the courage of one nation and the spiritual nobility of a handful of founders to show the way forward for all mankind, and all you have to do to benefit from their wisdom and sacrifice is print out their legacy.

After all, if you’re going to rebuild, then you may as well start with the framework to do it right.

As always, thank you for the invaluable service you provide here. Kindest regards, – The Austeyralian