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Letter Re: An Earthquake Wakeup Call in Australia

I’m a SurvivalBlog addict who lives in the coastal suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia, and last night at roughly 11:25 p.m. my shower was interrupted by an earthquake!

It wasn’t strong enough to move furniture. In fact, as earthquakes go it was pretty weak (later revealed as a 3.8), but since we’re near the coast I wasn’t taking any chances, and neither was my wife!

Seconds after it was stopped I was drying off and we were both getting dressed. We locked the doors, shut the windows, grabbed our phones and our boy, put the dogs in the car and headed to higher ground.

All in all I estimate it took us less than three minutes to hit the road!

We were woefully under-prepared in terms of tangibles. We topped the car off with fuel at high ground (a lookout point) and bought water and food. We also took a bunch of money out of our accounts.

Local talk back radio was the only immediate source of information but it gave us a very good idea of how strong and far reaching the quake was. We camped out on a high spot overlooking the city. I’m not sure if my placement was wise, but I intend to find out for future reference.

After it became clear through local reporting that the
quake epicenter was not out out at sea we waited for an hour and headed home.

The highlight for me was finding out that my wife was every bit as pro-active as I was!

The worrying factor was the number of people that hung around on their front lawns like garden gnomes on valium, even after the Boxing Day tsunamis!

It seems most of us have short memories…

Thanks as always for this brilliant operation you run here. Without it I would probably have been another one of those garden gnomes, and though it would have been fine this time, perhaps next time it won’t. Kindest regards, – Bodes