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Economics and Investing:

GG sent this Wall Street Journal article: Public Pension Deficits Are Worse Than You Think [1]

Reader S.M. sent us some more evidence that the US is slipping towards the edge of a bond rating downgrade by Moody’s: Obama Pays More Than Buffett as U.S. Risks AAA Rating [2]. Also, further economic difficulties with managing growing public debt: Lipsky Says ‘Acute’ Debt Challenges Face Advanced Economies [3].

Items from The Economatrix:

Agora Financial’s Five-Minute Forecast [4]

Court Says Fed Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records [5]

A Salon opinion piece by Gene Lyons: It’s Time for Wall Street to Pay [6]

Health Care Companies Pull Stock Market Higher [7]

Oil Edges Lower, Extending Friday’s Losses [8]

Spain Approves Bill to Overhaul Economy as Jobless Rate Hits 20% [9]