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Odds ‘n Sods:

Matt B. notes that the residents of Hawaii [1] (reacting to the recent tsunami warning, following the Chilean earthquakes) seem to have ignored the Boy Scout’s Motto…..it just goes to show how out of the blue emergent circumstances can catch all of us who ignore preparations unaware. Imagine your family at home and you ‘waiting in line at the super market’ because you were not prepped for the most likely event to disrupt civility. Reader M.M. echoed Matt’s sentiment: “Even if this is a big nothing for the state of Hawaii, it should be a wake up call to everyone. Get yourself and your family prepared. Better years too early than a second too late!”

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Some bad judicial news: Canada – No Constitutional Right to own or use firearms [2]. (Ontario, Canada’s Court of Appeals decision announced Thursday, on the Bruce Monatque firearms case. See numbered paragraphs [20] and [21] , in particular. ) You can always vote with your feet.

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The latest from Nanny State Britannia: Woman who found coin worth £2,000 in garden becomes first to be prosecuted for not reporting treasure [3]. Not only is the treasure reporting act a bad law, but it is also is an ex post facto law. (She found the coin 14 years ago. The law was enacted in 1996.) A tip of the hat to Chad S. for the link. (I could mention voting with your feet, but that would sound repetitious.)

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A reader spotted this job listing on Craigslist: Wilderness Field Instructor (Saint George Utah.) [4] That would be great job for a SurvivalBlogger. And Zion National Monument would be practically in your back yard.