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Economics and Investing:

George Gordon (“GG”) sent this: In Coke We Trust; Investors now view a default by the U.S. Treasury as more likely than a default by the Coca-Cola Company [1].

Sue C. sent us this: It only gets worse this year for commercial real estate [2]

Kevin K. flagged this: Kalashnikov Gun Factory Offers Food in Place of Salaries [3]. JWR’s Comment: If they don’t have cash to pay workers, then they probably don’t have cash to pay the food suppliers, either. I suspect that some barter is going on. (Which would make me very happy, if I were a local farmer.)

Items from The Economatrix:

Central Banks End US Dollar Emergency Swap Lines [4]

Dr. Gary North: Fed Starting to Unwind Loose Monetary Policy, Could Trigger Secondary Recession

Stock Market Heading for Black Monday Crash? [5]

Banks Under Attack from Washington, the Impact on You [6]

“Underemployment” Tops 20% in Three States [7]

Obama Unveils 2011 Budget with $3.83 Trillion in Spending [8]

Fewer Banks Imposing New Loan Hurdles; Demand Low [9]

Lower Gasoline Prices Vary Widely Across US [10]

Stocks Climb as Manufacturing, Spending Increase [11]

Odds ‘n Sods: