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Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader “+P+” sent another article on a theme that I’ve warned about: Police say suspected robbers rammed an SUV into a gun store in Avon, Indiana, and stole some weapons [1]. Large masonry “decorative planters” should be a key part of your retreat’s defensive architecture!

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OSOM mentioned a treasure trove of Free Medical Books [2] available to download.

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Tamara (writing in her View From the Porch [3] blog) pointed to a piece (by way of the Blunt Object blog [4]) about the Toronto police going ballistic over the apparent sight of a gun held by citizen: Police piece together fake Lego gun case, after armed takedown [5]. Here is the Blunt Object [4] blog editor’s summary: “So: Torontonian buys [a] Lego Glock kit online. Torontonian assembles said kit in his office. Other Torontonian freaks out, fails to notice Lego pips atop the slide, and calls the police. Toronto [Police Department]’s Emergency Task Force bounces Lego-Man off a few walls before discovering said Lego pips atop the slide.”