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Letter Re: Sources for Food Grade Buckets

I have found that Dairygold dairy (and probably also other) dairies in Boise, Idaho will sell once used HDPE [1] #2 Food Grade buckets with lids inexpensively. (These were $2 or $3 the last time I bought a bunch of them.)

These were used for bringing into the dairy the flavorings for ice cream, so you might have to wash out the strawberry syrup or whatever. These are HDPE #2 and Food Grade marked.

They also have some food grade 55 gallon drums, metal and plastic that they will also sell. The same should be true of other large dairies all over the US and Canada that produce ice cream. – Terry in Idaho

JWR Replies: As I mention in the the “Rawles Gets You Ready” family preparedness course [2], there are innumerable sources for food grade HDPE buckets. The phone is your friend. Keep calling until find someone that has a big pile of them, available free, or nearly free. Also, be sure to watch Craigslist [3], like a hawk.