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Odds ‘n Sods:

Amy, of the excellent Humble Musings [1] blog [1] mentioned this article: Cash for Clubbers; Congress’s fabulous golf cart stimulus [2]. It is about the new $5,300 Federal tax credit available for any street legal electric vehicle. Well, in many western states ATVs are considered street legal! So… Can I get this tax credit for an all-electric ATV, such as an Eco E ATV [3], a Bad Boy Buggy [4], or a ATV-modified golf cart [5]? That would fit in nicely with the planned expansion of our home photovoltaic power system. And it would be a great way to go hunting in a much, much quieter–if not quasi-tactical–ATV. Please don’t tell Nancy Pelosi about my plan, or she’ll have a conniption fit! An please note that this is not a money giveaway program or a tax refund. It is just a tax credit that will mean that I can keep some of my hard-earned money for a practical use. So I won’t suffer guilt pangs over it.

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As The Fongman would say: “Oh maaaan!” What a bummer. They found Tamara K.’s backup cache [6]. Or, as Slim Pickens would say: “Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas, with all that stuff.” [7]

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G.&K. sent this: Bay Bridge Closure Sets Stage For Commute Chaos [8]. Their comment: “If ever there was evidence for why to not have a major bridge between you and your retreat…”

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Our Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson [9] recommended this Washington Times editorial by James Carafano: Why 1978 was a very bad year [10]