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Economics and Investing:

Charles Hugh’ Smith’s assessment: Why We’ll See Stimulus 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 (and so on), until The Great Implosion [1]

Reader Aaron C. suggested: 20 reasons America has lost its soul and collapse is inevitable [2]

Experts warn of ‘deluge’ of insolvencies to come in the UK

K.T. sent this video link: The Goldman Sachs Profitability Magic Trick [3].

After some travel, Peter Schiff is back to videoblogging [4].

Items from The Economatrix:

40% of Working-Age Californians Jobless [5]

Treasuries Show No Lost Appetite as Dollar Declines [6]

Hollywood Film Output Likely to Fall By One-Third [7]

Fannie, Freddie Common Shares Worthless, Says KBW

Einhorn Bets on Major Currency “Death Spiral” [8]