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Economics and Investing:

From Karen H.: Trailing Indicators: Out of a Job, Some Decide to Take a Hike [1]

Don’t Trip in Your Search for Higher Bond Yields [2]

Blaine sent this: Ten Big Companies Veering Towards Bankruptcy [3]

DD flagged a news item: FDIC considers borrowing cash from banks; Insurance fund that protects depositors is quickly running out of money [4]

Jim Jubak asks: Will US repeat mistakes of 1937? [5]

Items from The Economatrix:

Reversal: FDIC May Need Bailout from Banks [6]

Ten Big Companies that are Veering Toward Bankruptcy [3]

Rebound In Commodities Carry Stocks Higher

Oil Rebounds as Dollar Weakens [7]

Landmark Decision Promises Massive Relief for Homeowners and Trouble for Banks
Debt Deflation Laboratory of the Baltics
Oil Giant Total Issues Oil Shortage Warning [10]

US to Push for New Economic World Order at G-20 [11]

Breaking The Consumer: Exporting empty containers, declining consumer credit is contracting at rapid pace, is the consumer treadmill showing signs of exhaustion? [12]

Car Showrooms Quiet After Clunker Clamor Ends [13]

Stimulus Spending Sags After Deadline Rush [14]

Grocery Stores Eliminating Check Payments [15]