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Odds ‘n Sods:

An average of once per day, I get forwarded “warning” e-mails about two essentially mythical legislative threats: SB-2099 and HR-45. Let me clear up some misunderstandings: SB 2099 is dead in committee, and is a piece of Illinois state legislation (not Federal), with no co-sponsors. HR-45 (a.k.a. The Blair Holt bill) is an actual bill before the US House of Representatives but it is similarly dead in committee, with no co-sponsors. (See the last two paragraphs of its Snopes article [1]. BTW, I consider it horribly disingenuous of the leftist Snopes editors to bury this information at the bottom of the article.) Please stop forwarding this nonsense, and instead concentrate your efforts on real legislative threats.

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Cheryl sent this: Poll: 45% of Doctors Would Consider Quitting if Health Care Overhaul is Passed [2]. Contradicts what the White House and AMA are saying

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UK Think Tank Says US Power is Fading [3]