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Economics and Investing:

Flagged by KAF: US government to loan Petrobras $10 billion [1]. Note the comments in the article about increasing costs of exploration , and strong competition with China for new oil fields.

Also from KAF: Wish you weren’t here: The devastating effects of the new colonialists [2].

Cousin Al sent this: Soaring deficit may defy forecasts [3]. (A quadrupling budget deficit? Yikes!)

This Jay Taylor “Turning Hard Times Into Good Times” pod cast was linked from the Total Investor news aggregation site: Will Silver Outperform Gold? [4]

Items from The Economatrix:

China’s Wen: “The financial crisis is continuing to deepen and spread.” [5]

Coming Soon: Second Wave of Depression: Hyperinflation Likely [6]

Trader’s Brace for September Collapse

The Bill Is Coming Due [7] (The Mogambo Guru)

The Gifts That Keep on Taking [8]

Energy Prices Slump After Labor Report

Oil Prices Cloud Recovery Hope [9]

Testing Week For US Bond Investors [10]

Fed Buys $6.6 Billion in Treasurys [11] [Monetization leads inevitably to inflation!]

CIT Shares Fall on Bankruptcy Warnings