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Odds ‘n Sods:

I was doing some research on sunspot cycles (whilst pondering whether it would be worthwhile to buy some more ham radio gear to work the 40 and 80 meter bands), and I stumbled across this web page from Finland: Timo Niroma: One possible explanation for the cyclicity in the Sun [1]. Part 5 talks about possible climate change. It would be incredibly ironic if this new century were to be a Little Ice Age rather than the much-heralded Global Warming that Al Gore et al have been shouting about. Needless to say, the climate change jury is still out, and there are still huge unresolved differences of opinion. I believe that it is prudent to be ready for all eventualities, regardless. One contingency plan would be to develop the readiness and willingness to move thousands of miles, if there is a pronounced climate change in your lifetime.

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William C. sent me the link to this interesting page: Pedal Powered Generator [2].

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KAF spotted this in The Times Online: Food crisis could force wartime rations and vegetarian diet on Britons [3]

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Our friend Tamara has some commentary on beneficent distribution of farm produce [4]. For those who will be farming in the unfolding depression: Remember to grow an extra row for the gleaners. Charity [5] is our duty!