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Letter Re: Your Dog’s G.O.O.D. Bag

Hello Mr. Rawles;
I just found your blog site and have not read all the postings yet. One thing I have not seen is a go bag for the dog. If one has a purse mutt, a carrier with supplies is one thing but if one has a real dog that is a part of the pack (family) then a go bag for the dog is a good idea. We have a German Sheppard and she can carry her own food and water in a doggy backpack. Doggy backpacks can be found at places like Campmor.com [1]. [JWR Adds: Dog Backpacks [2] are also available from Amazon.com, and several other online vendors.] I would train the dog to use it before the need arises. It probably is a good idea to get a collapsible dog travel bowl [3] as well for the water as most dogs would waste a lot of water drinking from a bottle. I have seen these fold up travel bowls for sale at Wal-Mart. In real cold areas a dog coat is good if your dog is mostly an indoor dog as they are not acclimated to the cold. Even if they are, in some areas it can get real cold outside at night. We bought our dog’s coat at LandsEnd.com [4]. It was on reduced sale. [JWR Adds: Foul weather coats for dogs [5] are are also available from several other online vendors.] I would think that boots for dogs would be good to save their paws from the cold or even hot pavement or maybe broken glass or other such hazards during an evacuation. Again if you use these you must train your dog to accept them. [JWR Adds: In my experience, most dogs have difficulty adjusting to using boots, and most of the available brands don’t fit well and have a tendency to slip off. A far more practical solution is to use a wax-based cream, such as Musher’s Secret [6] on your dog’s paws.] Campmor also sells a roll up dog bed/pad that can provide thermal cushioning or you could use a piece of ensolite pad. If you take care of your dog they will live better and longer and be a better companion and protector for you.

Thank you for helping to make people aware. Best Regards, – Glennis

JWR Replies: Those were great suggestions. In my opinion, the other items that you should put in your dog’s pack is a pair of Tick Tweezers [7], and a sealed bottle of a strong flea and chigger repellant [8]. Carry it in three thicknesses of Ziploc bags, just in case of leaks.