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Economics and Investing:

Kevin A. sent us the link to a video clip about Mandelbrot protege Nicholas Taleb, of “Black Swan” fame: The Risk Maverick: Present Economy Worse than Depression [1].

Mac F. recommend this basic, commonsense article: Money Shaky? 10 Ways to Get Your Financial Footing [2]

Items from The Economatrix:

Fed President Says Inflation To Increase [3]

GM Borrows Additional $4 Billion From Treasury [4] Didn’t publicly disclose how it would use the money.

Fed Changes Rules to Benefit Government Carmakers [5]

California Faces its Fiscal Day of Reckoning [6]

Propane Suppliers Quietly Reduce Size of Refills [7] Consumers unaware they are getting less for the same price

Recession Turns Malls Into Ghost Towns