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Odds ‘n Sods:

Several readers sent links to articles about a new H1N1-series variant swine flu, including this AP wire service article: Flu epidemic prompts Mexico City to suspend all school, university classes, as strain studied. [1] The death count in Mexico is now up to 61. A follow-up article [2] included this troubling tidbit: “Scientists said the virus combines genetic material from pigs, birds and humans in a way researchers have not seen before.” If the number of reported cases expands geometrically and the fatality rate is significant, then take the appropriate precautions. Of course, most SurvivalBlog readers already have deep larders and are well prepared to hunker down to avoid casual contact.

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Speaking of influenza,”Texas Gal in Oregon” recommended a “stay at home” influenza preparedness guide [3] published at the Nez Perce, County, Idaho web site. OBTW, it might be prudent to take the time to re-read my background article on flu self-quarantine and other precautions: Protecting Your Family From an Influenza Pandemic [4]

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FFF. flagged this: Jamaican army deployed ahead of tax increase [5]

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News from Wisconsin: CCRKBA Calls Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police Chief’s Remarks ‘Outrageous’ [6] (Any bets on whether the police chief was indoctrinated went to college in Stevens Point [7]?)