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Letter Re: America Stone Knife Sharpeners

Dear Mr. Rawles,
I am an everyday reader of your blog and greatly appreciate the information posted there. That said, I’d like to thank you for your recommendation of the America Stone.

I do a lot of wood hand carving, most of which is small and intricate work. I have a few wonderful and reliable knives, but I’ve usually been disappointed with most sharpeners. Either they are too rough on the blades or are a pain to use.

The America Stone is the most wonderful tool I’ve used since I can’t remember when. It puts an excellent edge on a blade in very little time and doesn’t cause excessive wear down of the edge. The blades are super sharp after using the stone, right to the very tip, especially important for my use. My blades also seem to keep their edge longer, saving me time and effort. I don’t have anything to do with the company, but I would recommend the product highly.

Thanks again for all you do. Extra prayers also for the Memsahib’s return to health. – MBC