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Letter Re: Recommendation for Kinder Goats

First, I just wanted to say I loved “Patriots” and have given it away to many of my friends and adult children.

Concerning “Livestock for Survival, by Bobbi A.” Most people are not aware of a small meat/dairy goat called the Kinder [, spoken “Kin-dur”.] It was developed over 30 years ago and has gained great success in competing against it’s larger cousins. This little goat will produce a gallon of milk a day, is much more feed efficient than other breeds, is small so easy to handle (especially the bucks) and is stocky so makes for better meat than the other dairy breeds. Another advantage over other breeds is that the Kinder will breed all year long so you can rotate your milking does and always have plenty of milk. The milk is also higher in protein and butterfat so better for making cheese. This little goat was developed for the small farmstead. The primary lady behind this breed is a long time prepper and has always believed the Kinder will get the job done when other goats fail. For further information, see KinderGoat.com [1] or contact Pat Showalter, primary founder and president of the Kinder Goat Breeder’s Association at kinderzed@aol.com [2]. And thanks for all you do. – Jan H.