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Letter Re: The Challenges of Prepping While on Active Duty Military Service

I just finished reading the Profile on Mr. & Mrs. India [1]. I had planned to write earlier and this truly motivated me. I am in the military with 24 years in. I discovered your web site last spring and have been a dedicated reader. I have learned so much. Unfortunately right after I discovered your site I was transferred overseas. I am almost midway my tour but have been very frustrated in that so much of what I could do in terms of preparation is hampered by being overseas. Ordering staples for the pantry is the easiest thing I could do and yet the hardest as I would not be allowed to bring food back into the U.S. and many other items cannot be shipped to FPO [2] [or APO [3]] boxes.

In terms of food, I have ordered some and had it delivered to my Mom’s house but I have to be careful about the weight as she is in her seventies and can’t do a lot of lifting. I also will need to move these items from her home when I return to the States. I have purchased the grain mill, plan to get the water filter, and have ordered a lot of seed prior to my leaving home. Right before I came here I purchased a bow and had a friend teach me how to shoot. Unfortunately foreigners here can’t have weapons so it’s still in the case but at least I have it. As an active duty member I can qualify on the rifle range and so get free arms training.

Being in a foreign country does have it’s benefits in that they have some things here (farm tools, household items, etc.) that are very practical yet not sold in the U.S. I have been able to stock up on some personal hygiene items such as tooth brushes, tooth paste, and some neat Japanese garden items. If anyone has any other ideas as to things I can do to prepare I would appreciate it. Also, if you can give advice to those of us who do live the nomadic lifestyle in the military, especially when we have to go overseas and leave everything in storage or be hamstrung in terms of what we can and cannot ship between countries.

Being far from home, every evening when I get to my apartment I visit your web site. It is so uplifting and informative. It is a real morale booster for those of us who can’t be back home. Thank you!