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An Invitation to the Baen’s Bar Forums, by Michael Z. Williamson

I’d like to extend an invitation to SurvivalBlog readers to visit the Baen’s Bar Forums [1], hosted by the sci-fi publisher Baen Books. My forum there has ongoing, detailed discussions of AR [2]s, Mausers, handgun choices, and preparedness, mostly for natural disasters. There are also shameless plugging of my books (since it’s my forum). Be forewarned that there is some off-color language–PG-13, not R, and the religion and politics of members varies greatly, though there are other fora we send them to for those arguments. Registration is free, private and not shared.

My subforum is “Mike’s Madhouse,” and there are a variety of other fora of interest on the site. – Michael Z. Williamson [3]