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Letter Re: Finding Like-Minded Folks

I’ve read your novel “Patriots [1]” and I feel compelled to mention that it was the first book I ever defaced. I’ve always loved reading, but I read (and in some cases even re-read multiple times) books but never highlight or mark up the books. I don’t know why, I just don’t. It was almost immediate, like a lightning strike… that I needed to change what I was doing when I started reading Patriots. It even occurred to me that I needed a couple different colors to distinguish separate types of information. I absolutely loved the story line, not because of the happy ending, not because of the advice, but a combination of identifying with the characters and with the events they were in, and how they dealt with them which was your actual message… the readability of your Patriots novel is 5 stars in my opinion and I thank you greatly, I’m actually starting over again tonight, because even with hi-lighting the key elements, I still enjoy the story and still need to reinforce the lessons they are teaching me.

I am in complete agreement that the decline of our economy is not only assured, it’s gaining speed as I type this. While our paid legislators hammer out details on which political action committees and which unions will receive how much money, the country is being destroyed, willingly.
I’m not willing to sign up for that! but I’m one person in California, the state that is driving this insanity!

I’ve spent a bit of money recently in various purchases of both hardware and consumables, and I have perhaps 10 months [of food and supplies] right now, ready to go food if the Schumer [2] hits the fan, (in my opinion wisely since investments are libel to crash even further when liberal politics affect wall street) but I have short comings…
I have friends here who are like minded about preparedness, but are unable or unwilling to sacrifice to make the retreat happen
I have money myself to to put down some money on a few acres in my home state of Arizona and I plan to buy in heavily militia territory, but I don’t want to be forced to be co-opted into a “must join” as you described in Patriots when the two groups first met. But I don’t want to be alone on my land, and I don’t know how many of my friends might actually be able to make it there if the “zombie invasion” occurs… Added to which, an A-frame cabin as my “secured” retreat means to me that I need two or three or maybe even four back up plans and pre-positioned caches.

Do you host any sort of “getting to meet ya” events of like minded folks?
Do you have any suggestions for me, outside of the obvious… pick the best tools for the job and then take with what you can. I have a 4×4 truck and I’m storing currently enough fuel to get to where I want to buy a few acres, but it’s going to get awful lonely in my A-frame cabin–or awfully exciting–and I hope I make it if the full zombie invasion takes place and I have to defend against looters. An A-frame cabins (not even built yet) are very poor protection and unfortunately prone to theft and who knows what when left unattended, like I’d have to do here in California.

Your suggestions would be great appreciated, and if there’s people that would be looking to recruit me without me knowing who they are, I’d appreciate you forwarding that as well. I can not do this on my own, I don’t have all the answers and I never will, but I must find folks who are at least willing to ask the questions and even look at the unpleasant answers.
Thanks! and please keep writing! – Brent

JWR Replies: You mentioned your intention to build an A-frame cabin. I encourage you to pick a better design. This post from the SurvivalBlog archives (August, 2007) sums up my objections to A-frame designs [3].

Sorry, but I don’t host “get-togethers”. In fact, given the OPSEC [4] concerns created by my high media profile, I don’t even publicly mention the state that I live in! (Sorry to be so circumspect , but I ‘ve made solemn promises to family members that I can only mention that I live in TUWS [5], somewhere west of the Rockies, on the bank of TUR [6], on a ranch in TUROM [7]. All this dissimulation might seem odd to some readers, but please put yourself in my shoes. We had some odd stalking incidents when we were living at our previous ranch, so when we made or last move we took some unprecedented OPSEC measures. I even have cousins that don’t know where I live.

Your situation, feeling unable to link up with other that share your preparedness goals, is fairly typical . See my static web page: Finding Like-Minded People in Your Area [8]. The advice there will probably be very helpful. May God Put You in the Right Place, at the Right Time, with the Right People.