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Odds ‘n Sods:

“The Survivalist” [1] mentioned this article: More than a million wait in icy darkness across US [2]

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As most SurvivalBlog readers surely deduced long ago, I am an inveterate scrounger. I scan through Craig’s List [3] with the same regularity as the Bald Eagles that cruise up and down The Unnamed River here at the Rawles Ranch do, at this time of year. So I was delighted that while doing some web wandering today, I found a link over at Keep and Bear Arms [4] to this inspirational article: Praxis: Scavenging as a Guerrilla Art Form [5].

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Eric flagged this update: Peanut butter recall expanded to two years’ worth of products [6]. Here is an FDA web page with a searchable list of hundreds of recalled peanut butter products [7].

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The latest huge dose of gloom-‘n-doomage from the Economatrix: Global Unemployment Nears 50 Million [8]OPEC Warns of More Oil Output Cuts [9]BP Sees Further Crash in Oil Demand [10]Can the Market Avoid a February Fold? [11]George Soros (the Billionaire) Selling Off Sterling [12]Europe’s Winter of Discontent [13]More Job Cuts [14] (Boeing 10,000; Starbucks 6,700, etc.) — Billions More Needed for Bank Rescues [15]Millionaires Crisis Plan: Return to Bartering [16]IMF: British Slump will be Worst in Developed World [17]Sony’s Quarterly Net Profit Tumbled 95% [18]Record Number in US Getting Jobless Benefits [19]Despair Spreads Amid Mounting Job Losses [20]Florida Beans and Corn Destroyed, Potatoes Delayed [21] (Expect higher prices)