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Four Letters Re: The Gray Man in the Coming Storm


“E’s” Gray Man concept [1] is cowardly, standing idly by as evil men corrupt this fine country. The Citizen, on the other hand, works to preserve and protect the liberties that we now enjoy, in opposition to men and women who wish to do those liberties harm.

The Citizen knows the power of government is kept in check only by the citizenry-at-large. He (or She) is not afraid to oppose totalitarian policies, because he knows to remain silent will surely result loss of his rights. He understands the Constitution and respects the ideals of the fore-fathers. He knows they didn’t hide at home when the call went out for help, and our great country was the result. He participates in activities like The Appleseed Program [2] where he can increase his skills and knowledge. He is the first to write / call / e-mail his elected representatives. He is the first to join with like-minded people in the NRA [3] and other organizations, knowing those organizations are not perfect but that there is strength in numbers.

He not only teaches his children what is right, but he is an example to his friends, neighbors and religious congregants. He is involved in leadership activities like Scouting, so he can help mold the youth of tomorrow and preserve great American traditions. He takes a kid hunting who has no other way to experience a great American tradition. He helps out a neighbor women with two kids whose husband is serving Afghanistan . He is not boastful or full-of-himself, but is ready to support liberty with a well-thought-out and logical argument.

This does not mean the Citizen is not prepared. This does not mean the Citizen doesn’t keep his preparations under wraps and private. This does not mean the Citizen does not put the safety of his family first and foremost. It is precisely because he cares for his family that he refuses to allow tyranny to become the law of the land.

The Citizen is not afraid to stand up and be counted against tyranny, as he knows that both he and Gray Man are “on the list.” He, the Citizen, refuses to go quietly into that long, dark night. The Gray Man, on the other hand, will one day be hunted like a weasel in the wilderness: cold, wet and alone, with no way to challenge the tyrants. – W-Squared


Mr. Rawles:
If our Founding Fathers had followed the “Gray Man” strategy, we would still be British subjects. Regards, – Steven L.


Dear Mr. Rawles,
I read your blog regularly and appreciate the information deeply. I could not resist replying to today’s post by “E.” regarding the “Gray Man’s” plans for survival, because, of all the interesting posts I’ve read on your site this one had a most unusual effect on me.

What I can’t understand is:
Where is “Gray Man” going to go after becoming a fugitive in a police state? Especially with children? Is he going to walk there? How will he trick the face/iris scanning cameras at every corner, or the heat signature blimp hovering overhead, which are a certain part of the future he describes?

Where is “Gray Man” going to stick his [RFID [4]] chip when he also consents to being strip searched before thanking his oppressor?
How many of his friends, family members and co-workers will “Gray Man” surrender to the authorities to maintain the appearance of loyalty to the system?
What good will it do “Gray Man” to teach his children of Liberty after he has given their Liberties away?

Why didn’t the “Gray Man” do anything to help out the millions of Americans who sacrificed their lives fortunes and sacred honor to preserve Liberty for our posterity when we still had a fighting chance?

What sort of prayers will “Gray Man” whisper to his God after he has rendered his soul and spirit useless in the face of evil?

The “Gray Man” is part of the problem. A typical American who so desperately fears the consequences of saying ‘no’ that he has convinced himself that consent to tyranny is somehow revolutionary. How can a man pretend to be free after relinquishing his rights? This is double think, and I find it quite disappointing that many modern American males have such difficulty seeing the value of rising in common defense against tyranny over shrinking away in silent, lonely protest after having lost all.

Is a person truly being honest about the value of their life if they choose to live it in bondage?
Thanks for all you do, Mr. Rawles. – D.H.


Mr. Rawles,
As a Christian, I would caution “E.,” the “Gray Man,” against taking the chip and then removing it if he is also a Christian. If the RFID [4] chip is the “mark of the beast” or if it merely could be, it is too much of a risk for my soul. From everything that I have read in the Bible, accepting the mark proves your allegiance to something other than God and it is against His will. Personally, I do not want to be against His will. If I am captured and forced to make a choice in those times, oil up the guillotine and I’ll see you guys on the other side.
Always cynical, – Semper Cynicus