Some more newspaper gleanings, most coming from our Economic editor: Citigroup to buy Wachovia banking operations [1] — Bailout Failure Will Cause US To Crash [2] (For full disclosure, I would append the headline with: “But Bailout Success Will Cause Dollar to Crash”) — UK Banker Leaps To Death In Front Of Express Train [3] — Fed Pumps Further $630 Billion Into Financial System [4] — House defeats $700 Billion financial markets bailout [5]
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Hawaiian K. suggested an article over at Treehugger on aquaponics [6]
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Reader FFF spotted this: How China has created a new slave empire [7]
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Mister DC sent this: What if disaster struck? Counties, schools update responses [8]. (“How many corpses can fit in your local ice rink?”)
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Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the BBC reports: Bradford & Bingley bank facing nationalisation [9]