Norman in England found a web page with some useful information on assembling outdoor survival kits [1].
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Reader Bill T. asked me: “I’m a denture wearer. Do you know a formula for home-made denture adhesive?” I have no idea, but given SurvivalBlog’s large worldwide audience, perhaps there is a reader that can chime in with a formula.
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Cheryl N. spotted this interesting piece: ‘Liar loans’ threaten to prolong mortgage crisis [2]. She also found this one: The Endgame Nears for Fannie and Freddie [3]
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Rich at CGW has created a page just for SurvivalBlog readers, where he has hand-picked some nice products and created a 10% off coupon [4].
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The movie, “I.O.U.S.A.” that I described earlier this month [5] is showing in selected theaters, starting tonight. The grand opening on August 21st [6] will feature a follow-up live video conference with Warren Buffett, Pete Peterson, and David Walker. A movie trailer is available on their web site [7].