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Letter Re: Solar Flare Spike in 2012?

Jim:Regarding your recent interview on Fox Business about the significance of 2012: When I was a teenager, it was the Mayan 2012 [calendar] event that got me interested in preparedness. I ran with a bit of an impromptu Boy Scout like crowd (we weren’t Boy Scouts but our parents encouraged us to hunt, fish and camp). It was fun imaginary scenario when we were kids. I grew out of my Mayan 2012 phase. As an adult, I am preparing for a solar 2012 event. Essentially, a couple of years ago, I came across some research by a guy who was a major solar flare event about 2012 (plus or minus a year).

I did some digging, and found that he is predicting a “one every 250 years” event. These are solar flares big enough to terminate every [unprotected] electronic device on earth instantly. The researchers do not doubt it is coming, only that there is a 50% chance it is nullified by the earth’s magnetic field (depends on the polarity of each). If it is not nullified, all [unprotected] electronic equipment that is powered on will be neutralized. (This will include power relay stations.)

I’m a little vague on the exact numbers. What I do know is pretty simple, but clear. Between 2011 and 2013 the event will occur. When it happens, there is a 50% chance that all electronic devices [that have sub-micron gate dimension microcircuits] that are on, will stop working permanently.
Here is a link to an article regarding the research on NASA’s web site. [1] (Dikpati’s forecast puts Solar Max at 2012. Hathaway believes it will arrive sooner, in 2010 or 2011.) – Jeff C. in Canada