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Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader “EM Joe” mentioned that from Noon on Saturday, June 28th to Noon on Sunday, June 29th, it is “the annual US Ham Radio Field Day. About a half a million radio operators will leave their cozy houses and head out to the Great Outdoors with their Tents, Radios and Antennas to simulate a massive emergency situation. This is the whole idea of Field Day, to let Ham Radio Operators all do this on the same day, using every possible radio they got in every possible way. It is almost a religious event. This will allow you to hear how well it works, how well it could be used for Intel, and oh yes, how crowded the radio spectrum would get! For more info about Ham Radio Field Day you can look at the ARRL [1] web site.”

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RBS flagged this: Alaskans would get $1,200 each to offset energy costs under Palin’s plan [2]

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A useful article: Cost Effective Practice–Combating the High Cost of Ammo [3]. I’ll add the proviso that the safety rules for dry practice cannot be over-emphasized. FWIW, the dry practice safety rules available from Front Sight (included in their free gun training reports) [4] are superior, since even more explicit.

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Courtesy of Jack B.: CIBC report: high gas prices to take 10 million vehicles off U.S. roads by 2012 [5]