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Letter Re: Potassium Iodide Versus Potassium Iodate for Post-Nuke Thyroid Gland Protection

I’m doing some preparation research now since I’ll be pretty close to Yucca Mountain when it comes online, which I ultimately expect it to. I recently saw a posting on your blog [from “Cody”] [1] regarding the taking of the thyroid blockers Potassium Iodate [KI] and Potassium Iodide [KIO3] in case of a nuclear event. The person writing you said that Potassium Iodate was superior because it didn’t cause as much stomach irritation as Potassium Iodide. I did a web search on “potassium iodide versus potassium iodate” and came up with these links:
Approved Brands [2]
Iodide Versus Iodate [3]
WHO Guide to Radiation Prophylaxis (PDF) [4]

I did as was suggested and searched for Potassium Iodate as being FDA approved and couldn’t find it. Also, the World Health Organization actually does say that Potassium Iodate actually causes more stomach irritation, not less (see page 17 of the third link I included)- ” KI is the preferred alternative, since KIO3 has the disadvantage of being a stronger intestinal irritant”. That directly contradicts what Cody claimed in his letter. I just wanted to pass this along to get the accurate info out.
Take care, – Bill in Las Vegas

JWR Replies: Thanks for finding that piece of information! OBTW, living in Las Vegas, I think that you should be even more concerned about Las Vegas as the potential target of a terrorist nuclear “dirty bomb” than you are about the Yucca Mountain storage facility, or the vehicles transporting nuclear waste to it.