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Letter Re: Advice on the Most Versatile Bicycle for Schumeresque Scenarios

Mr. Rawles,
I need to snag bikes for my wife and myself. We are both young and relatively fit, but we live in [Washington,] DC and take [the] metro [subway system] everywhere. We [presently] don’t have bikes, and I have no knowledge about them. The [SurvivalBlog] section on guns was helpful, I was wondering if y’all had something on the most versatile bikes, by price point. Thanks. – Jordan H.

JWR Replies: These days, I generally recommend folding bicycles. Prices have come down substantially, so they are not much more expensive than standard bicycles.They are also just a s robust as most mountain bikes. The latest generation of folding bikes are quit versatile. When folded, they can fit in an apartment closet, or in the trunk of a car.And, depending on your local laws, when folded they can also be carried onboard most trains and busses. (Using an opaque carrying case seems to remove most objections.) The Montague Paratrooper bike [1] is an excellent choice.

For Get Out of Dodge (G.O.O.D. [2]) purposes, you might want to get panniers and perhaps cargo trailers for both bikes. Detachable pannier bags can be kept pre-packed as G.O.O.D. kits, and clipped on very quickly.