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Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS sent us this, from the Dr. Housing Bubble Blog: Southern California Housing Numbers Exposed: The Bottom Falls out of the Housing Market, Again [1]. Pay particular attention to the chart that shows the two year lag between sales drops and price drops. Clearly, the worst is yet to come. I’m still predicting a 50%+ drop in house prices in most California counties. The law of supply and demand is inescapable.

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Mark from Michigan alerted me to a great little article over at the SHTF Blog: on constructing secret doors, with links to web pages by folks that have successfully built them: Build a a Hidden Door Bookcase for Your Secret Stash [2]

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The recent week of rioting and arson in Denmark [3] mirrors what has happened on a larger scale in France for two successive years. Once again it was “urban youths” doing the rioting. Translation of this liberal press speak: Moslem immigrants, under age 30. It is noteworthy that the London Underground and bus line bombers were second generation–actually born in England. So “enculturation” and “assimilation” are not panaceas for Jihadi fervor. If only 1% of the immigrant “youths” turn out to be Wahabist radicals, then eventually, inevitably, they will build a terrorist infrastructure and strike with weapons of mass destruction. It may be next year, or it may be decades from now, but it appears inevitable. It would be prudent to prepare for this eventuality.

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Several readers flagged this article: GAO Chief (Comptroller General) David Walker Resigns [4]. Eric’s comment: “Now this is concerning: Walker said: ‘ …This is the first time in my life I’ve been concerned about my financial future being destroyed by events outside my control…’ When the GAO chief starts saying stuff like this, [it is definitely cause for concern]”.” JWR’s comment: I do admire a man that shows real conviction and speaks his mind. Did you see his comment about “the Fall of Rome”? It seems that he got a bit emotional, but he stopped short of lapsing into Bill Murray’s “Disaster of biblical proportions” speech from the movie Ghostbusters.