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Two Letters Re: Radon Poisoning

After reading a few more snippets about Radon poisoning and checking a few sources via Internet. I hypothesize that this may be another hoax along the lines of “global warming”. There are more medical professionals saying lung cancer is [caused by] diet or smoking and general abuse of the body.

If Radon has been present and naturally occurring since God created the earth, then its being blamed for illness is similar to skid-marks being blamed for car-wrecks. Global warming is increasingly being proved a hoax by the most respected meteorologists and climatologist’s who say the minute temperature changes have come with increased solar output; which is now declining. Man is not so powerful as to be able to corrupt the globe as they would like to think. (Nuclear holocaust aside) I’m beginning to think the Radon scare is the same type of gag. Have you ever read the book called “The Report from Iron Mountain“? Make sure it’s the early version. Thankfully, God is Sovereign over even the minutiae of Creation. – KM


Mr Rawles,
The link to the radon article brought back memories of my college days and a chemistry seminar on the subject. The speakers research on the subject led him to the conclusion that the EPA was fighting a costly and meaningless battle. He went so far as to say that some radon exposure was better than none. If I recall correctly, him mentioned a trial where lab rats exposed to normal environmental levels of radon lived longer than rats exposed to none. He presented it like it was a mini chemotherapy treatment that killed off unhealthy cells in the rats. He wasn’t advocating seeking out radon exposure but he was trying to make the point that radon was less than harmless. I don’t have any references for all this but a quick search on the net yielded the following maps:

The first is Radon levels in the U.S. [1]

The second is lung cancer deaths per 100,000 people [2]

SurvivalBlog readers can take this for what it is worth but I don’t see the correlation between Radon and lung cancer and you won’t find me worrying about Radon levels when I select my retreat location. Personally I think either private industry is pushing Radon for profit reasons or the EPA is using it to secure greater bureaucratic control and funding. – Northwest Huey