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Letter Re: Lessons Learned from Finland’s Winter War

Dear Jim and Family,
I got notice through Amazon about an interesting novel: “The Winter War”, by William Durbin

This sounds like it would be a good choice for historical fiction, though its listed under the Children’s section. The Winter War (Taalvisota) in 1938-39 details the invasion of Finland by communist Russia. I’ve studied it extensively and its a depressing tale, though heroic, because the Finns eventually lost and the Russian incompetence spurred Hitler to invade Russia, thinking it would be an easy victory and give him access to oil. Hitler might have held on longer if he hadn’t tried to take the Russian oil by force. America and most of Europe supported the Finns in their battle to protect themselves from the overwhelming masses of the communist invaders.

The Winter War is a good example of guerilla fighting with bolt action sniper rifles, mostly captured weapons reworked into proper condition and accurized, fighting against thousands of tanks, aircraft and 4:1 odds. Skiing cross country through the forest, the Finns destroyed a million Russian troops with the help of their cold winter and isolating the troops from their supply lines. It was a nasty war and the Finns were eventually defeated but its still quite educational for mental preparation, tactics, use of available resources, and applying your advantages to the situation. Its amazing what people can do when they have to. Especially when the enemy is as incompetent as the Soviets were, sending their troops in with Summer weight uniforms and allowing their supply lines to be cut, having massacred their battle hardened generals for not being good party members. The communists did everything wrong in that war, and they paid a high price for it. That’s where the old joke about Soviet Minesweepers comes from, only its not a joke. They really did walk arm in arm singing great patriotic songs till their legs were blown off. Gruesome. Somehow I doubt that’s in this book. The real Taalvisota is a dark chapter of history and one every survivalist should know. Best, – InyoKern

JWR Replies: See the “Tolvajarvi” chapter of my novel “Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse” [1].. It is an homage to the tenacity of those that fought in the Winter War.