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Letter Re: Preparedness Implications of the Global Food Shortages

I thought you might find this interesting as I recall a posting about this some time back. Here is a link to an interesting article about a foreseen food shortage [1] that is described as not if but when it happens.

I would like to point out the implication of this towards those who are interested in survival in that it would directly impact those trying to establish long term food storage using raw ingredients such as wheat and corn as they are highlighted in this article. The United States has more than enough ability to feed our nation and pretty much all nations around the world with our domestic food growth capabilities, however, the irony is that we have over a period of time reduced that output and depend more on imports. Yet another reason why government involvement makes absolutely no sense at any level with decisions made 30, 40, and 50 years ago impacting us today in such negative ways.

I have personally felt it would be more constructive to grow and store your own food while you can still readily by food for your day to day needs. This would serve a couple purposes; the practical experience of growing crops in volume, and of course the cost saving of producing your own long term food stores minus the Mylar bags and storage containers. Your brother in Liberty, – Dave in Florida