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Letter Re: “Rambo” Actor Sylvester Stallone Talks TEOTWAWKI and Burmese Genocide in Interview

In the February 2008 issue of Soldier of Fortune magazine, Sylvester Stallone is interviewed in reference to his newest “Rambo” movie [1] (scheduled for release on January 25th) which should shed some light on the ongoing persecution of the Karen [tribe] people by the Burmese government. He is quoted as follows:

I really want something heartfelt, that’s about flesh and blood, and about how cruel man really is, if left alone.

I believe that we’re not that far removed from being truly uncivilized. We say we’re civilized, but it wouldn’t take much, a breakdown in law enforcement, removal of the military, authority figures gone for a week. Then you’d see how we would band together in packs to survive.

We’ve sort of PC [2]‘d it out – oh, let’s be more intellectual, let’s debate issues, let’s have forumsbut if there was truly a situation where our system broke down completely, we’d revert.”

Sly goes on to say later in the article, “:I may be accused of just pandering to violence. And I want to go on record and say that I only touch the surface of violence that the Burmese perpetrate against the Karen.

I don’t show children being put head first into rice pounders and literally emulsified. Or a member of a family being forced to be cannibalized by other members of the family. Or a Karen having a child’s head cut off and then the body being tied behind the father like a backpack and he has to wear it until it rots, twenty-four hours a day. That is sickness beyond sickness. Y’know, heads on spikes. Medieval.”

Your book, “Patriots” [3] included a scenario in which cannibals were encountered and dealt with appropriately and efficiently.

There are many of us who are honest, hard-working, God-fearing souls who would not sell our souls for thirty pieces of silver. However, we need to occasionally remind ourselves that evil walks among us and some who manage to suppress their dark tendencies may give in when our relative peace and imagined prosperity disappears. As the Boy Scouts say, “Be prepared”.

I enjoy your web site and appreciate the effort and sacrifice that goes into keeping it relevant. I first started reading your blog several months ago and will join the “10 Cent Challenge [4]” group next week – just in time for Christmas!

May God continue to bless you, your family, and your blog readers – even the tight ones who won’t take up the 10 Cent Challenge [4]. – SE Texas 5-0