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Letter Re: Centerfire Antennas December Sale Just for SurvivalBlog Readers

Hi Jim,
I’m very impressed with the response to the ad I placed on your blog site [for Centerfire Antenna [1]].
The SurvivalBlog customers have been some of the most polite folks we’ve ever dealt with. Looking through my web traffic statistics, most of those that have been referred through your blog have bookmarked our site.

I’m giving SurvivalBlog readers a $5 per antenna discount during the month of December. They can use the PayPal buttons and $5 will be refunded to their PayPal account when their order is processed. Or they can choose to have the refund donated to SurvivalBlog. They need to send an e-mail or note with their payment stating that they saw the sale on SurvivalBlog. If mailing payment [via USPS], they can just deduct $5 per antenna.

Also, I just read the letter from DC in Manhattan. It’s great to see a Manhattanite waking up and getting prepared! I’m praying that he eventually gets his young family out of Manhattan. A quick Google check shows a population of over 1.5 million on that island. Not good odds when/if New York is put through a state of emergency longer than a few days. Thanks again, – Ben Kanoff, Centerfire Antenna [1]