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Weekly Survival Real Estate Market Update

This week in our weekly review of Survival Real Estate, I’d like to mention that we are in need of your help. We need you, the SurvivalBlog supporter that lives in any retreat locale in the world, to refer us to your local agent that understands what survival real estate shoppers are looking for. We have North Idaho and Northwest Montana covered but we need to locate and contact trusted agents elsewhere in the US and world-wide, so they may be featured in the weekly reviews in SurvivalBlog, and on our spin-off site: SurvivalRealty.com [1].

If you have a friend or have used an agent that really knows your locale then drop us a line [2]. They do not have to be SurvivalBlog readers, just have an excellent working knowledge of the area, be amiable to working with folks like us and most of all they must hold high ethical and business values. We are not looking for names out of phone books–we can do that. We need actual referrals to either friends in the business or agents that you have worked with who won’t say “huh?” when we speak to them about the site and locale.

In order to reward our loyal readership, each person who e-mails us [3] the contact details of an agent referral that passes our stringent checklist and is featured on SurvivalBlog will be entered into a drawing to win an autographed “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course [4], and an autographed copy of my novel “Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse” [5]. We will have two separate drawings, one for CONUS and one for overseas locales.

Please e-mail your referrals to our North Idaho correspondent Todd Savage at: toddsavage47@gmail.com [6]

A quick side note: For those of you ready to purchase your retreat in a northern locale, it’s about ready to snow in most higher latitude North American locales so you can expect sellers to panic and either drop their price and/or look at special financing options, many of which have already been detailed here recently. Good luck and happy shopping! – T.S.