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Letter Re: Comments from a Like-Minded Virginia Prepper

I found your blog about a month ago. I received a copy of your novel “Patriots” [1] from Fred’s M14 Stocks [2] and have probably read the thing about 20 times. It sits by the bed. I sometimes just pick it up, open and begin reading. Good stuff.

I am a former police officer (10 years) with sniper training, construction company owner( I have built everything except a church) CPA [3] with many years public accounting and have military experience (like you in Military Intelligence. I was what is now known as a 98C [- Signals Intelligence Analyst]). I shoot a lot of IDPA [4] both in local and state matches, am an IDPA safety officer and an NRA [5] firearms instructor. My wife is a soon to be a Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS [6]) Federal retiree. She shoots also.

We have 58 acres in a rather remote area in the south side of Virginia. We plan on incorporating cisterns, gray water septic et cetera in the building of the house that we will start in about three months. The heating will be closed loop geothermal, radiant in the floors. We have a lot of experience in growing vegetable gardens (25 years to date). The wife knows how to can and otherwise preserve food. We generally keep enough on hand to see us through several months of problems. I would probably be better off relocating further to the northwest but moving is such a pain that this was as far as we want to go. We are about 200+ miles from [Washington] D.C.

I find your blog very informative and educational. Some of the weapon selection I agree with, some I don’t. That’s okay. I just wanted to say hi and thank you for your efforts. Keep up the good work. – rb