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EBay Expands its Firearms Parts/Magazine Sales Ban–and SurvivalBlog Takes Action

The liberal do-gooders at eBay have turned the screws even tighter on gun owners. First they banned the sale of guns, receivers, and ammunition. Then they banned the sale of 11+ round magazines, barrels, and gun parts kits. They’ve also banned any auction for knives with “fighting” or “throwing” in the title or description. (But they still allow box cutter knives. Hmmmm…) Now they’ve announced that they are banning auction listings for all gun clips/magazines and most gun parts [1]. They are now using the standard of “any part required for firing of a gun” for their new restriction. So I presume that all they will now allow is merely gun slings, holsters, grips, and stocks. I’m not sure how they’ll treat bayonets. They’ll probably ban those too. (That might help reduce the recent wave of drive-by bayonetings.)

This sort of pansy liberal feel-goodism typifies both politics and the way they do business in the Nanny States. It is no wonder that eBay is headquartered in California. (where the majority elected Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.) EBay of course is a private firm and has the right to run their business as they see fit. But SurvivalBlog is a private business, too. So I’ve decided drop eBay (including eBay France, eBay Australia, and eBay.co.uk) as SurvivalBlog affiliate [2] advertisers. I’m also encouraging SurvivalBlog readers to boycott them. My recommendations: When you want to buy a book or DVD, buy it from Amazon. When you want sporting goods, buy them at fixed price from US Cavalry Store [3] or at auction from GunBroker.com [4] or AuctionArms.com. I hardly expect these actions to bankrupt eBay. Its the principle of the matter.

Since eBay owns PayPal, you can expect to soon see PayPal adopt an almost identical restrictive policy. When you transfer funds, try to avoid using PayPal. Instead, please use GearPay [5] — because they don’t share PayPal’s anti-gun political agenda.