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Letter Re: Proper Lubrication with Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel?

I’m wonder if there is someone in the SurvivalBlog readership who has any first hand knowledge about the repercussions of the ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel that is being mandated by our government. I’ve heard that the sulfur content is being reduced from 500ppm down to 15ppm and that the sulfur in the fuel has a lubricating effect on diesel engines, fuel pumps, injectors, etc. The assertion is that this lowered level will significantly increase wear on older non-ultra-low-sulfur fuel designed diesel engines. I understand that many regions of the country can only get this fuel now and that many farmers, construction companies, etc. have to resort to an additive to insure proper fuel lubrication. Anyone know of an additive that will accomplish this? Also, there is an assertion that because of this fuel there is a difference in produced ash particle dimensions which clogs expensive filters. Any truth here? And finally, there is an assertions that the current oils used in diesel engines, using this reduced sulfur fuel, may not be adequate. Again, any truth? If so what is the proper oil?
I figured that if I heard this, then maybe so have others and they are also confused on this subject. Thank You, – Ken M

JWR Replies: An oil additive will indeed increase ULSD’s viscosity. I’ve seen references to a commercial additive product called Diesel 911 [1]. The manufacturer’s web site describes it as having the following benefits:
* Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel compliant. Contains less than 15 parts per million (ppm) sulfur
* De-ices frozen fuel-filters no requirement to change fuel-filters
* Contains Slickdiesel for maximum fuel lubrication protects fuel injectors and pumps against accelerated wear from Low and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuels
* Reliquefies gelled fuel in minutes
* Removes water from fuel system

I suspect that since it is claimed to “remove water” that in addition to oil, this product also contains some alcohol. If you only goal is to increase lubrication, then a bit of less expensive oil–perhaps plain old 10W-40–might do the trick. (Although it might violate some Federal regulation.) Diesel 911 sounds like it has some other worthy attributes that might make it worth buying. A competing product is AMSOIL’s Diesel Concentrate Performance Fuel Additive (ADF) [2]. Those are just the two that I’ve heard of. There are sure to be others. Perhaps some SurvivalBlog readers would care to chime in, and suggest a satisfactory and legal low cost (per gallon) ULSD viscosity boosting solution.