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Letter Re: More Book Recommendations

I took some time recently to catch up on some of my backed up reading and have uncovered a couple of books that I would highly recommend to all.

The first is The Whiskey Rebellion [1] by William Hogeland.  A historical review of a little covered event very significant in the infancy of our constitutional republic.  The book not only covers the event but provides detail into the character of many of the significant players.  A new light on one Alexander Hamilton emerges.  The book has substantial supporting notes and source cites attached.  Quite enlightening.

The second is America’s Bubble Economy: Profit When It Pops [2] by David Wiedemer, et al.  Not being an economist, I find many financially based web sites overwhelming in their information.  This book lays out for us, economically-challenged individuals, the basis of our international economic woes.  It describes the five bubbles effecting our economy: housing, stock market, foreign supported dollar, consumer debt, and the U.S. debt bubble.  It also addresses the collision of the bubbles producing a “bubblequake” which will damage not just the U.S. economy but the entire world.  Some recommendations are provided but, as expected, heavily caveated. This is a quick, easy read.

Both should be accessible at most moderately sized public libraries.  If not available in your library, you might try an inter-library transfer; most libraries are part of a larger library system.  Enjoy.
– Ken