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Odds ‘n Sods:

“OSOM” sent this From Doug Casey’s newsletter: a very readable article on the French Revolution’s hyperinflation and the corruption and misery it bred. [1] OSOM’s comment: “History doesn’t repeat exactly – but it sure looks like it’s rhyming.”

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There are just 19 days left in the big “Container load sale” at Survival Enterprises. [2] All of the storage food items are “first come – first served.” The prices are less than half of retail. Survival Enterprises can take all major credit cards, PayPal, cash, gold and silver coins, but no checks or money orders. All orders must be phoned in for mail order, or by appointment to come in and pick up your order in person. (Survival Enterprises is located in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho.) For special requests, you can call Kurt of Survival Enterprises at (800) 753-1981 or locally at (208) 704-3935 as late as 8 p.m. Pacific time (5 p.m. Eastern time), or e-mail him at: kwATse1.us (Change the “AT” to an @symbol)

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Joseph in Missouri sent a link to a free online book called “Possum Living” [3] that he says not many people have seen. Joseph describes it: “It is out of print, and fairly rare. It is about living with very little income, and being very self sufficient. The author was an 18 year old girl, living the life she writes about.”