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Odds ‘n Sods:

From Asia Times Online: An interesting, albeit biased, three part analysis of the recent conflict in Israel, by Alastair Crooke and Mark Perry [1]

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The U.S. Census Bureau’s population “POPclock” tops the 300,000,000 mark. [2] That is interesting, but it doesn’t have a lot of immediate impact on my family. The nearest neighboring house is 1/2 mile away from the Rawles Ranch [3]. The population density is still just three people per square mile in our county. This is typical for most of the rest of The Un-named Western State (TUWS [4]). OBTW, our friend Fred the Valmet-meister mentioned that there are some interesting statistics on population density of the 50 states at the Wikipedia.
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Reader JH pointed us to yesterday’s Wall Street Journal (Oct. 16, 2006). They carried an article on page A2 about the divergence between electrical demand and the capacity of the power grid. Some real FFTAGFFR [6]!